Zofia Zamenhof Foundation aims at propagating the idea of freedom, the rules of democracy, cultural diversity and tolerance. Throughout our work, we want to show how to solve social problems. We want to contribute to increase the level of education of various social groups in countries where we are going to run our work and to have an influence on the integration processes between nations. We are certain that this is education which gives a chance to grow and makes the social differences smaller. Intercultural dialogue is possible thanks to education. Thus, our work aims also at education and training, also in the aspect of international cooperation. We also want to propagate the knowledge about the people connected with the ideas of our foundation. Foundation is involved in the educational and scientific activities related to the social causes and reduction of unemployment. There is a strong focus on cooperation with Eastern Partnership countries and working with educational institutions at various levels.
Our main focus are the groups at the risk of social exclusion with regards to labour marker such as disabled, NEETs, low- skilled adults and domestic violence victims.
Our experts have expertise in higher education and adult education. Members of our educational committee are PhD holders in different specializations of social sciences (mostly economics and sociology) or PhD candidates. We have also people who have long experience of work in educational industry, including adult education perspectives.


The Social Cooperative of Legal Persons “Centrum Usług Środowiskowych” exists since 2012. Our founders were: Słupno municipality, Bulkowo municipality, Mała Wieś municipality, St. Martin Roman Catholic Parish in Słupno and the Centre for Innovation of Information Society in Płock, so all types of legal entities listed in the Act on Social Cooperatives. After organisational changes members of SSOP “CUŚ” remained: Słupno commune, Bulkowo commune, Mała Wieś commune, as well as joined representatives of Radzanowo commune and Drobin town and commune. Our main objective is to operate effectively in the area of niche market economy as well as in the area of self-government tasks implementation. We run activities in the field of municipal, social, educational and tourist services, and we have recently launched catering services. We run Occupational Therapy Workshops and a Daily House for Seniors+ in Drobin, a “Senior+” Club in Łęg Probostwie, a Hotel for stray dogs in Mała Wieś”.


Ecoistituto is a non-profit research institute founded in 1989.
Ecoistituto’s activity focuses on sustainable development following a multidisciplinary approach finalized to promote the livability of territories and citizens.
Ecoistituto collaborates with higher education institutions, schools, and governmental institutions organizing conferences, courses, seminars, and workshops on sustainable development, social business, digital social innovation, environmental education, and healthy behavior. For the last 20 years, Ecoistituto organized an annual international conference on the themes of “landscape mosaic” in collaboration with IPSAPA (Interregional Society for Participation in Agribusiness Landscape and Environmental Management) and the University of Udine.
Since 2005, Ecoistituto created the series of publications “Living in places”, devoted to the local cultures and 15 issues have been published.
In the past, Ecoistituto participated to the organization of the Rezekne Academy of Technology Conference SOCIETY, INTEGRATION, EDUCATION (May 2013).
Members of Ecoistituto are university professors (especially from Udine University), professionals, experts, and researchers engaged in different scopes: digital social innovation, innovative education, economy, agribusiness, ecology, sociology, psychology, social anthropology, architecture, and geography. In particular, Ecoistituto is involved in local projects for young people and older persons.
Recently, Ecoistituto realized the following books “Introduction to social innovation”, Mimesis International; “The evil side of the Web”, Mimesis International
Ecoistituto was the leader of an Erasmus project on digital social innovation. Ecoistituto conducted investigations on digital social innovation for migrants and refugees and well as research on autism spectrum disorder.


Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is a Greek non-profit organisation committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancement of the entrepreneurial spirit. Established in 2005, iED is a certified leading Center of Excellence in European entrepreneurship and a fast-growing Digital Innovation Hub, registered as member of the European Commission’s catalogue of DIHs, that recognizes entrepreneurship as a crucial factor for the future of sustainable development and cohesion of societies. It conducts research and provides innovative solutions that facilitate the growth of entrepreneurship and promote employment. iED also is the Coordinator of a Designated European Digital Innovation Hub (EIDHs) in Greece titled: “Health Hub: Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry Transformation through Artificial Intelligence Digital Services”. The Health Hub will act as a one-stop-shop that will help companies in the Health & Pharma sector to boost their outreach, precision, innovation and networking efforts, partnering in their digital transformational journeys.
Over the 15 years of our activity, we have participated in the planning, implementation and dissemination of more than 200 National and European projects under numerous Financial Frameworks (Horizon, Erasmus+, AMIF, REC, COSME, INTERREG, ENI CBC MED, Life etc.). Our experience gave us a unique insight in the practical aspects on the implementation of large-scale co-funding projects, making us a strong and reliable European project partner and leader. It has also provided us with an extremely wide network of more than 4.200 partners and collaborating organizations form EU and beyond.


The Youth Solidarity Center “G. Micesio “was founded in 1975. It is has been recognized by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (DPR Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia n 337 / Pres of 09/10/1995) and is registered in the General Register of Voluntary Organizations. The Center aims to carry out the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, disabilities, and addictions through professional trainings. The Center also organizes training activities for social educators, social workers, sustain teachers, and social volunteers collaborating with the local social services and social enterprises. The Center operates through five Operative Units:
Inclusion Operative Unit, Psychological-psychotherapeutic service Meeting point, Residential Operative Unit, Therapeutic Community for Adults, Educational Therapeutic Community for Minors Health promotion and defense Operative Unit Healthcare sector Sports, cultural, and recreational sector Lifelong learning Operative Unit Professional training center Business & Work Operative Unit “Solidarity” Social Cooperative ltd.
The Center educational approach is based in the paradigm “school-laboratory”. It integrates highly advanced technological and effective educational methodologies finalized to provide concrete professional achievements.


The Ministry of Education homologated EPRALIMA in 1999, as a private non-profit organization, based on a cooperative regime that provides vocational training at various European levels.
Epralima is composed of 3 branches: the head-office in Arcos de Valdevez; branch in Ponte da Barca and another in Ponte de Lima; a Skills Assessment Centre which recognizes, validates and certifies skills giving individuals an opportunity to receive academic equivalency; and finally a Technical Centre which works with transnational and communitarian projects. Epralima contributes to projects due to its: broad knowledge of the region and close relationships with the target-groups; ability to promote the encouragement of networks and mobilize different organizations; experience in the development of different Work Packages: management, assessment, diagnosis, design and implementation. Its sustainability is linked to the dynamics of the Upper Lima Region, overcoming needs through training.