On July 10, 2024, we are happy to inform you about our participation in the Epale competition “Way to Erasmus+”!

We invite you to read our entry, in which we share practical tips on effective cooperation in Erasmus+projects, on the example of the “Socenter” project.

Our article “Effective cooperation in the Erasmus+ project on the example of Socenter” focuses on key elements of cooperation such as:

  • Selection of partners: In the SOCENTER project, we worked with foundations from Portugal, Greece and Italy. Each partner brought unique competences, which enriched our joint actions.
  • Regular meetings: Online meetings at least once a month allowed to exchange information and solve problems. We also organized trips to exchange good practices.
  • Exchange of knowledge: We have created a script “A guide for people who want to set up a social cooperative”, training on Moodle platform as well as instructional videos and webinaria, available in five languages.

Read more on the Epale platform.

February 29, 2024 Zofia Zamenhof Foundation – Multiplier Event, Warsaw

On Thursday, February 29, another Multiplier Event took place at the welcoming MAL in Italy. We discussed the use of information contained on the website www.socenter.eu and presented a design script.

February 28, 2024 – CUS, Zofia Zamenhof Foundation, Drobin

February 28, 2024 – today’s meeting in Drobin was intended to disseminate the results of the SocEnter project. The speakers were representatives of the Foundation and the CUS Social Cooperative.

February 13, 2024 Zofia Zamenhof Foundation – Multiplier Event, Warsaw

Multiplier Event SocEnter – February 13, 2024. Today we took advantage of the hospitality of MAL in Włochy, i.e. Local Activity Place in Włochy (Social Welfare Center of the Włochy District of the Capital City of Warsaw) ul. Rejonowa 6/8 in Warsaw. In addition to private individuals interested in the topic of social entrepreneurship, the meeting was also attended by employees from municipal offices from departments dealing with social policy, including Pruszków.

February 7-8, 2024 Udine, Italy – SocEnter Design Meeting

The meeting took place in Udine, Italy and was the last in-person meeting of this project. Our mission is to provide everyone involved with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and participate in social entrepreneurship. The meeting was organized by the project partner CENTRO SOLIDARIETÀ GIOVANI GIOVANNI MICESIO ONLUS (Italy)

20 January Epralima, Portugal Project Partner

Epralima, a partner of the SocEnter project, has prepared videos promoting activities in the field of social economy!

13 December 2023, IED – Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) Greek Project Partner

As an introduction to the issue of social entrepreneurship, IED has prepared a short information videos. Recordings in Greek are with English subtitles!


The Centro Solidarietà Giovani “G. Micesio” is a volunteer organization (Organizzazione di Volontariato – ODV) located in the city of Udine, in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region in northeastern Italy.

The CSG’s overall objective is to provide assistance to individuals facing various forms of fragility and difficulties, whether permanent or temporary. Over the years, the center has gradually developed and currently offers a range of socio-educational, therapeutic, healthcare, training, and employment services. Operating in mutual synergy and close collaboration with public and private agencies in the area, these services constitute the center’s six operational units: First Reception Center, residential therapeutic communities, territorial psychotherapy services, health promotion and defense, “.lab” Vocational Training Center, and Enterprise & Employment.

Specifically, the Continuing Education unit consists of the “.lab” Vocational Training Center, which aims to provide professional training courses that effectively respond to the demands of a rapidly evolving job market. The courses offered cater to graduates, diploma holders, and job seekers, spanning a wide range of highly diversified fields. Training programs in digital graphics, digital marketing, open-source software for 3D printing, videomaking, and more, coexist with courses that develop established professional profiles such as office assistants, warehouse and packaging technicians, landscaping operators, bakery and pastry experts, to name a few.

In addition to these offerings, the center also organizes courses dedicated to addressing vulnerabilities in close collaboration with public services at the local level, contributing to the construction of a truly inclusive social context. The center benefits from a faculty composed of both internal and external professionals. It actively collaborates and synergizes with companies, productive entities, and third-sector organizations that provide students with internships, traineeships, or protected forms of employment integration.

12 – 13 June 2023, Project meeting in Arcos de Valdenzes, Portugal, organized by EPRALIMA Project Partner

On June 12 and 13, a project meeting was held in Portugal. All partners participated in it. We discussed the status of work on the project results. Another meeting in the autumn in the Italian city of Udine.

July 2023 – The Zofia Zamenhof Foundation – Prepared by Adrian Maćkiewicz

7 January 2023 -Partner of the SocEnter project – Development of social entrepreneurship Social Cooperative of Legal Persons in Drobin “Environmental Services Center” announced as the Finalist of the J. Kuroń

The cooperative provides services in the field of maintenance of green areas, snow removal, cleaning and care services, care and educational services for children, youth and seniors. As part of the Symphony of Taste, they run gastronomic activities – catering for individuals and companies. The cooperative runs an occupational therapy workshop, a senior day home, a senior club and a hotel for homeless dogs.

Prepared by Adrian Maćkiewicz

14 December 2022 The SocEnter project meeting in Drobin

Our guests from Portugal and Italy watch the commemorative chronicles of the Social Cooperative CUS and sign in on the occasion of the SocEnter project meeting in Mirosław near Płock.

13 December 2022 The SocEnter project in Drobin and Mirosław

The SocEnter project meeting in Poland has come to an end. We would like to thank the guests from Portugal and Italy who visited us on December 12 – 14, 2022. They saw not only Warsaw but also Mazovia – Drobin, Mirosław, Płock. The meetings were held at the CUS Social Cooperative.

13 December 2022 – meeting and discussion about our project

The first day of the SocEnter project meeting in Poland was devoted to discussing the creation and writing of a project hanbook on social cooperatives and social economy.  Each partner organization is asked to write a chapter for our project handbook.

Snow and winter in Warsaw surprised guests from Portugal and Italy – our partners in the SocEnter project.

23 September 2022 from CUS – social enterprice about conducting research

Today’s meeting at the CUS Social Cooperative, which is a partner of the SocEnter project, was devoted to the preparation and testing of the research that we plan in connection with the implementation of the project.

In the photos, representatives of the Zofia Zamenhof Foundation at the Workshop of Occupational Therapy in Mirosław near Płock.

The CUS social cooperative has full rehabilitation facilities for people with disabilities.

7 June 2022 project meeting Larissa, Greece

Meeting at the social cooperative in Larissa. A very interesting experience.

6 June 2022 project meeting Larissa, Greece

On Thursday, May 6, there was a meeting in the SocEnter project. We discussed the work related to IO1.  A project meeting will be held on June 6 and 7 in Larissa, Greece.

IED headquarters in the city of Larissa, Greece

6 May 2022 from the Soc Enter project online meeting.

On Thursday, May 6, there was a meeting in the SocEnter project. We discussed the work related to IO1.  A project meeting will be held on June 6 and 7 in Larissa, Greece.

Online meetings with project partners are held every month

5 April 2022 – day 2 of Kick off meeting

The second day of the SocEnter project meeting in Warsaw is underway. In Warsaw there are guests from Portugal, Italy and CUS from Masovian region. We also have online participants, e.g. from Greece

4 April 2022 – Kick off meeting

Today was the first day of kick off meeting in SocEnter project. In this project we have a few new partner organisations: from Greece, Italy and Portugal. We have also our well known partners form Italy and Poland. We are very excited to start this new project!